Thursday, 13 May 2021

Thursday, 13 September 2018

Thursday, 10 May 2018

Wallowing in Nostalgia

This blogger has reached a stage in life where he often turns nostalgic. Ahhh - the good old days ... Sigh ... Today it was nostalgia in ads. All from about 40 years ago. Colour television had not yet come to India (it came with the Asian Games of 1982). Black & White TVs were few and far between and it was perfectly OK to go to your neighbour's house to watch TV because they had a set and...

Tuesday, 8 May 2018

Amazon vs Walmart in India

The war for the future of the retail trade in the world is going to be fought in India. It has happened by default, but happen it nevertheless has. The irony hasn't struck the policymakers in India as yet - they of the medieval dinosaur disposition of still not allowing foreign companies into the retail sector in India. If that makes your head reel, then this is India, true to its form. Globally,...

Saturday, 28 April 2018

Where have all the promotions gone ?

Many men of this blogger's vintage are seriously challenged when it comes to matters of fashion. This blogger is a card carrying member of the tribe who behaves like this when it comes to clothes  - A few shirts and a few trousers, all looking very similar, hang in the closet  - A shirt is plucked from the leftmost corner,  the trouser is picked from the rightmost corner and worn  -...

Wednesday, 25 April 2018

The Blogger drafts a new law to be passed

There are various ways to vent out road rage.  I am trying a novel experiment here to douse the fire that is consuming me. By attempting to write a law !! Read on and see if you agree. Office of the Frustrated Motorists of Bangalore Middle of Nagwara Junction Bangalore - 560045 25th April 2018 Do No 435/16/346A/FMB/2018-16 Dear Sirs The Motorists Community of Bangalore is considering...

Monday, 26 March 2018

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